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[公告] 12月14日周日圣诞老人大游行
CSSA(2008/11/25 23:34:53)  点击:138470  回复:0  IP:137.* * *
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爱丁堡圣诞活动的传统项目-圣诞老人大游行,你也可以打扮成圣诞老人的模样,与上百个圣诞老人一起狂奔,赫赫~ 当然,观看是不要钱的~

Edinburgh's Christmas Santa Stroll

Date:14th December 2008, 14:30
Venue:West Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh, EH2
Cost:Adult £10, child (age 10 and under) £5.

Additional Information

Put your walking boots on, wrap up warm and take part in a festive stroll from West Princes Street Gardens to Grassmarket. You will enjoy fantastic scenery along the route and a spectacular finale in Grassmarket.

All proceeds from the Santa Stroll are donated to Radio Forth's Cash for Kids and When you wish upon a Star. The money raised through The Santa Stroll will be used to help and fulfil the wishes of some very courageous children around the UK. For more information on the charities please visit www.radioforth.com, www.whenyouwishuponastar.org.uk .

The traders on Grassmarket are supporting the Santa Stroll by offering a range of promotions to everyone dressed in a Santa suit!

Please note that Edinburgh's Christmas Santa Stroll is an outdoor event and although it is mainly on tarmac paths and pavements it will be steep at times, so please dress appropriately. The route has been designed to encourage as many people as possible to participate, however for wheelchair users an alternative route is available.

Edinburgh's Christmas would like to extend a special thanks to the Grassmarket Area Traders Association for their support.

Please register online or call our box office on 0844 481 1221.

Registration open from 12 noon, Ross Band Stand, West Princes Street Gardens

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