牛津大学赌博问卷调查( Oxford Chinese gambling survey)monica(2011/11/16 20:51:12) 点击:
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86.* * * This survey investigates the nature of gambling problems in the Chinese people, and to increase response rates, participants get a chance to win an iPad2 for people complete the survey.
The links to the Chinese and English scripted surveys can be found here:
Chinese (http://limesurvey.oii.ox.ac.uk/index.php?sid=88732)
English (http://limesurvey.oii.ox.ac.uk/index.php?sid=48911)
更多信息可与Matthew Lim联系。
Matthew Lim
DPhil Candidate
Department of psychiatry
Warneford Hospital
Oxford, OX3 7JX
United Kingdom
Office: (0)1865-613103
Mobile: (0)7760-924802