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HWUSA Wins Bronze At This Year's Sound Environmental Impact Awards
hwusa(2009/4/11 18:52:05)  点击:139043  回复:1  IP:212.* * *
HWUSA claimed a prestigious environmental award at a glitzy awards ceremony on Tuesday 7th April 2009.

.1.  Re: HWUSA Wins Bronze At This Year's Sound Environmental...
hwusa(2009/4/11 18:55:16)  IP:212.* * *
The Sound Environmental Impact Awards is an accreditation scheme to help Students' Unions do their bit for the environment. Now in its third year, over a million students have seen environmental initiatives put in place in their Unions through the awards. This year, seventy-nine Students' Unions took part from across the UK.

HWUSA have gained national recognition of our efforts to improve their environmental performance by gaining a Bronze Standard in this year's scheme. To reach this standard HWUSA had to meet twenty-two Bronze essential criteria. In recognition of their achievement they receive a certificate to add to their trophy cabinet.

The eight greenest Unions received prestigious hand-made sculptures made from recycled window glass. Three Unions' received Awards for innovation, the most improved score and environmental information contained in their websites - supported by main sponsors The Co-operative and Office Depot and media partner Ecologist magazine.

Anna Heywood, Project Founder and Sound Environmental Impact Awards judge, said:"The Unions have really stepped up a significant level this year and have surpassed themselves". Anna added "It's great to see how enthusiastically Unions have taken on board environmental improvements and I feel really proud of how far they've come."

Writer, comedian, actor, broadcaster and director, Hardeep Singh Kohli - probably best known for presenting The One Show on BBC1 - hosted the event.

Heriot-Watt University Studensts Association

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