[双语时讯]初入象牙塔问题多,大一生活怎么过?freeto(2014/9/16 7:20:29) 点击:
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39.* * * 有人说,大学意味着更自由的生活,更广阔的天地。但是,对于从小习惯爸妈陪伴的90后,00后而言,大学新生活真的如此美好么?怎样才能快速适应象牙塔中的生活,成为真正意义上独立的大学生?一起去看看吧~
Tears welling up in her eyes, Huang Duoke, 18, a freshman at Hubei University of Economics, stands alone at the bus station and waves her parents goodbye.
She’s in good company. As over 7 million freshmen head to campus this fall for college, they’re also taking their first step to living on their own.
We’ve looked at three of their major concerns, namely finances, dormitory life and planning, to see how freshmen can stand on their own two feet as quickly as possible target=_blank class=infotextkey>possible.
Too much freedom?
College is about freedom, but too much freedom sometimes brings trouble.
“Since their parents used to take care of them, college students hardly know how to think independently, nor do they know how to manage their own lives,” says Deng Ziqing, columnist at Changjiang Times.
Zhang Zhan, 19, a sophomore studying economics at Hebei United University, had financial problems in his freshman year. Zhang spent all of his monthly allowance within the first week, forcing him to borrow from his roommates. “For that whole month, I ate only vegetables and dared not socialize. I wish I had spent more wisely,” he said.
Compromise is key
Zhang is lucky to have considerate roommates. Many more freshmen have trouble adjusting to dormitory life.
According to data released by MyCOS last year, 45 percent of freshmen are worried about interpersonal relationships, especially relationships with roommates.
The trend is continuing this year. Chen Qiufang, student accommodation officer at a Shenyang-based university, found increasing numbers of students coming to her to help solve dormitory conflicts.
“Today’s students don’t know how to compromise. Instead, they argue their way through disagreements,” she said.
Proper planning
Apart from interpersonal conflicts, lack of planning is also a common concern among college students.
Huang Jinlei, 19, an information science sophomore at Beijing Science Technology Management College, found many of his fellow underclassmen are unclear about their future.
“I want to work for Baidu. Therefore, I’ve participated in programming contests and other activities that build up my resume. I seldom see such motivation and planning in the newcomers,” he said.
Wang Xuming, former spokesman for the Ministry of Education, feels the same way. But he further stresses the importance of thinking and living independently. As they call themselves college students, they should figure out what it means to be on their own and embody values such as integrity and dedication accordingly.
教育部前发言人王旭明也深有同感。同时,他也强调了独立思考和独立生活的重要性。他说,当他们称自己是“大学生”时,就应该知道这意味着什么,并且深知其所代表的价值观,例如, “正直”,“奉献”等等。