玛丽斯图亚特, 1542-1587, 苏格兰女王及作为遗孀的法国王后.
苏格兰詹姆斯五世(James V)和玛丽·德·盖斯(Marie de Guise)的女儿.
这座住宅距离12世纪教堂(12th century Abbey)只需要步行很短时间,位于一片梨树林中,玛丽女王1566年来此居住。她经由特拉奎尔宅来到边境,在当地的宫廷主持会议,并滞留了四个星期,其中,由于她骑马到隐士城堡探望未婚夫博思韦尔伯爵,大部分的时间在从疲惫不堪的旅途中休养生息。
实际上,她已经筋疲力尽并且感染风寒,差点因此死去。之后,当她被伊丽莎白一世(Elizabeth I)囚禁于英格兰时,她说到 "我几乎已经死于耶德堡..."
苏格兰玛丽女王的住宅房间包含各种挂毯,油画,家具,武器,盔甲和一些玛丽的生平, 整理并叙述如下:
她作为女王回归苏格兰, 她暴风雨般的统治,密谋以及她的垮台。
1587年,她在佛斯林费堡(Fotheringhay Castle)的囚禁生活及最终的死刑。
苏格兰女王玛丽口述,并已经过全文翻译的女王自己的故事,成为苏格兰最吸引游客的事物之一. 很多游客都谈到他们对女王的生活及其所处的时代留下了无法磨灭的印象,并被女王的故事所深深感动.
苏格兰玛丽女王的住宅位于苏格兰罗克斯巴勒郡耶德堡的女王大街(Queen Street, Jedburgh, Roxburghshire), 从爱丁堡驾车前往只需90分钟。
通常开放时间: 三月-十月中旬, 每天10:00am- 5:00pm. 需要购票. 电话:01835 86331.

Mary Stuart, 1542-1587, Queen of Scotland and Dowager Queen of France. Daughter of James V of Scotland and Marie de Guise.
A short walk away from the 12th century Abbey and situated in a garden of pear trees, this house was visited by Mary in October 1566. She had come to the Borders via Traquair House to preside at local courts and stayed for four weeks, most of the time spent recovering from her arduous ride to visit her future lover, the Earl of Bothwell at Hermitage Castle.
In fact she was so exhausted that she caught a fever and nearly died from it. Later on, when held in captivity by Elizabeth I of England, she said, "Would that I had died in Jedburgh..."
The rooms in Mary Queen of Scots House contain tapestries, oil paintings, furniture, arms and armour and some of Mary's possessions, arranged in narrative sections:
Her birth, and carefree childhood in France.
Her return to Scotland as Queen, her stormy reign, the plots and Mary's downfall.
Her captivity and eventual execution at Fotheringay Castle in 1587.
One of Scotlands top visitor attractions, nowhere else is the story of Mary, Queen of Scots told and interpreted so fully. Many visitors say they have been left with a profound impression of her life and the times in which she lived, and deeply touched by it.
Mary Queen of Scots House is in Queen Street, Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, about 90 minutes drive South of Edinburgh, Scotland.
Usually open: March-mid November, daily, 10-5. Admission charge. Tel:01835 86331.