英国各大学生活费一览monica(2008/8/20 20:03:46) 点击:
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139.* * * The Royal Bank of Scotland Student Living Index published in August2004 finds that Sheffield has the lowest student cost of living in England and the second lowest in the UK, among 21 university towns and cities surveyed.
Accordingto the study, in total the average Sheffield student spends £154.90 perweek on living costs and accommodation – less than any other universitytown surveyed except Aberdeen.
Ofthis, approximately £55.36 goes on rent each week. This is more than£10 below the average and represents the lowest amount spent per weekon rent apart from Liverpool.
The following table ranks the 21 universities by total cost of accommodation and day-to-day living costs (1 = cheapest; 21 = most expensive):
1. Aberdeen (£140.10)
2. Sheffield (£154.90)
3. York (£156.30)
4. St Andrew's (£156.80)
5. Southampton (£158.90)
6. Dundee (£166.70)
7. Edinburgh (£171.70)
8. Newcastle (£171.80)
9. Durham (£171.90)
10. Manchester (£173.60)
11. Bristol (£174.20)
12. Liverpool (£176.50)
13. Birmingham (£180.10)
14. Glasgow (£181.30)
15. Cardiff (£185.80)
16. Oxford (£186.60)
17. Leeds (£187.30)
18. London (£195)
19. Nottingham (£198.60)
20. Brighton (£203.20)
21. Cambridge (£227.40)