英国首相特雷莎·梅向全球华人送上2018年新春祝福chatnet(2018/2/17 6:37:21) 点击:
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86.* * * 在2018农历狗年到来之际,近期结束中国访问的英国首相特雷莎·梅(梅姨)向全球华人送上2018年新春祝福。一起和英语演讲君一睹梅姨纯正英伦腔拜年吧。
Very best wishes to everyone in UK , everyone here in China and everyone across the world who be marking chinese new year this week.
It's time to celebrate, it's time to reflect the past year and also it's time to look ahead to the plans for the year ahead.and it's time to recogonise the amazing contribution that everyone in chinese community in the United Kingdom makes for our society.
So, Whenever you're celebrating, enjoy the fesitivities, have a fantastic time, and i hope you have a prosperous and peaceful year of dog.Happy new year.