英国爱丁堡(Edinburgh)第98届英国皮肤病学家年会tinyhut(2018/6/29 17:03:15) 点击:
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主题:98th Annual Meeting of the British Association of Dermatologists
地点:EICC Edinburgh, The Exchange Edinburgh, 150 Morrison St, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
电话:020 7391 6343
价格:Earlybird rate: BAD Members: GBP 350,
Earlybird rate: BAD Trainee: GBP 100,
Earlybird rate: Associate members: GBP 150,
Earlybird rate: BSR / BSACI / RCPCH Members: GBP 350,
Non-Members: GBP 700,
Trainee Non-Members: GBP 200,
Day Rate: Members: GBP 175,
Day Rate: Non-Members: GBP 200
预约网站: https://go.evvnt.com/175861-1?pid=2151