【中英文】焦虑的原因有哪些?besky(2019/2/22 11:43:19) 点击:
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125.* * * 这些都是焦虑的表现,挣扎在焦虑中的人也并不是少数。
When anxiety hits, it can press down upon you, distracting you from your work and making you feel crazy. For a moment, it might even feel like you can't breathe.
But however terrible it feels, anxiety alone will not kill you. Though it can make you feel like your emotions are being held hostage, as you become irritable and less confident.
Money troubles 金钱
By the time you reach your thirties you're supposed to be married, have a house, a car and lots of savings, right?
Shouldn't you be able to buy whatever you want, and live a life of luxury?
But living beyond your means is no recipe for happiness. Spending thousands of yuan you don't have on clothes, high-end housing and taking taxis to work every day will only land you in debt.
And as the debts mount up, just paying off the interest will start to take an ever bigger chunk out of your pay packet, leaving you unable to quit your job, or be fired, for fear of what may happen.
You thus become trapped in a vicious cycle of debt and anxiety.
由此陷入了欠债 — 焦虑 — 欠债 — 焦虑的恶性循环。
Such stories are commonplace nowadays, as more and more people aspire to live the kind of life that they expect only money can buy. But there is a gap between expectations and reality. And the bigger that gap is, the more anxious you will become.
Age 年龄
Almost everyone feels some anxiety at the prospect of getting old, but some people take it to the extremes.
It can be tempting to compare yourself to someone your age, or even younger, who is already rich and famous. But doing so will only lead to frustration.
That's why advertisers target certain age groups, and the sellers of financial products promise to make you rich overnight.
In today's consumer-driven culture, a lot of young adults find they suffer from some form of anxiety.
They are anxious to have it all in the shortest time possible. And seeing someone younger than them find success only causes this anxiety to worsen.
Working relationships 工作关系
Some people are obsessed with expanding their social networks, being convinced that the more people they know, the brighter their future will be.
This is partly true, yet you will find that the stress of maintaining so many relationships is only worth it if they were established on an equal footing.
Relationships are important, but your mental health is more so. If you find maintaining relationships makes you anxious, pay more attention to yourself.
Being a parent 育儿
Parents can often find that their mood fluctuates in line with their child's academic performance. If their son or daughter isn't doing so well at school, it can make the parent very anxious.
Such parents may then force their child to take part in extracurricular training courses. But all that pressure can do more harm than good, for both the parent and the child.
In today's fast-paced world, almost everyone wants to succeed as quickly as possible. But going so fast isn't always the best option. You can make your dreams come true at almost any age. But if your anxiety is out of control, it will become an insurmountable obstacle.
The key is to identify what you want to achieve and to go at your own pace. Find your own "time zone", where you're never late or early, and where the only thing that matters is you.
Or, as a popular poem that's been circulated widely online puts it:
New York is 3 hours ahead of California, but it does not make California slow.
Absolutely everyone in this world works based on their "time zone".
People around you might seem to go ahead of you, some might seem to be behind you.
But everyone is running their own RACE, in their own TIME.
Don't envy them or mock them.
They are in their TIME ZONE, and you are in yours!
Life is about waiting for the right moment to act.
You're not LATE,
You're not EARLY.
You are very much ON TIME, and in your TIME ZONE destiny set up for you.