英国利物浦大学管理学院12月2日停止接收所有硕士课程(除MSc Economics以外)申请freeto(2019/11/18 11:25:05) 点击:
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222.* * * 继续近期陆续关闭硕士申请的通知,利物浦大学管理学院决定在12月2日周一英国时间下午5点停止接收所有硕士课程(除MSc Economics以外)申请。
To summarise the different closure time as below:
The following three programmes will stop receiving new application on 19th November at 5pm UK time.
MSc Accounting and Finance
MSc Marketing
Master in Management
The following two programmes will stop receiving new application on 29th November at 5pm UK time.
MSc Project Management
The following programmes will stop receiving new application on 2 December at 5pm UK time.
1. MSc Business Analytics and Big Data
2. MSc Entrepreneurship
3. MSc Finance
4. MSc International Business
5. MSc Occupational and Organisational Psychology
6. MSc Operations and Supply Chain Management
7. MSc Sports Business and Management
Currently the only programme still accept new application after 2 Dec is MSc Economics.
目前12月2日以后唯一接收新申请的课程是MSc Economics。
All applications received before the above deadline will be considered. After the deadline, the online application portal for those programmes will be closed.