74所英国大学本月底开始罢工freeto(2020/2/24 15:55:07) 点击:
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113.* * * 在去年 11 月和 12 月,英国大学的老师们就已经罢过一次工了,当时有 60 所大学参与罢工,大概有 100 万学生受到影响。
之所以罢工,还是养老金,薪资和工作条件这些老问题没有解决。在去年英国大学提高了教职员工薪酬的退休金扣除比例,从原来的 8.8% 上升到 9.6% 。老师们已经不满意自己的薪水了,还要被扣更多的退休金,自然是不开心了。
Aston University
Bangor University
Bishop Grosseteste University
Bournemouth University
Cardiff University
City, University of London
Courtauld Institute of Art
University of Durham
Edge Hill University
Glasgow Caledonian University
Glasgow School of Art
Goldsmiths College
Heriot-Watt University
Liverpool Hope University
Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts
Loughborough University
Newcastle University
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
Queen Mary University of London
Roehampton University
Royal Holloway and Bedford College
Sheffield Hallam University
The Open University
The University of Aberdeen
The University of Bath
The University of Birmingham
The University of Bradford
The University of Brighton
The University of Bristol
The University of Cambridge
The University of Dundee
The University of Edinburgh
The University of Essex
The University of Exeter
The University of Glasgow
The University of Kent
The University of Lancaster
The University of Leeds
The University of Leicester
The University of Manchester
The University of Oxford
The University of Reading
The University of Sheffield
The University of Southampton
The University of St Andrews
The University of Stirling
The University of Strathclyde
The University of Wales
The University of Warwick
The University of York
University College London
University of Durham
University of Nottingham
The University of East Anglia
Scottish Association of Marine Science
Queen's University Belfast
University of Ulster
在去年 11 月 12 月搞了罢工,但诉求依旧没有被满足,就再举行罢工。
英国大学学院协会(UCU)宣布来自 74 所英国大学的教职人员将会在 2 月跟 3 月举行罢工, 并且会有 120 万名学生受到影响。
UCU 还警示说如果这次罢工后问题还是没有解决,那么会继续进行投票表决,以确保罢工行动持续进行到该学期结束。
并且 UCU 还说到老师们将会采取 ASOS 行动,也就是说罢工期间不会找人代课,也不会重新安排由于罢工而被取消的课程。
要是真的像 UCU 说的这样,那意味着现在在英国读书的童鞋们将进入没课,没 tutorial 的全自学生活。
UCU 也公布了参与这次罢工的大学,
1.Aston University2. Bangor University3. Cardiff University4. University of Durham5. Heriot-Watt University6. Loughborough University7. Newcastle University8. The Open University9. The University of Bath10. The University of Dundee11. The University of Leeds12. The University of Manchester13. The University of Sheffield14. University of Nottingham15. The University of Stirling16. University College London17. The University of Birmingham18. The University of Bradford19. The University of Bristol20. The University of Cambridge21. The University of Edinburgh22. The University of Exeter23. The University of Essex24. The University of Glasgow25. The University of Lancaster26. The University of Leicester27. City University28. Goldsmiths College29. Queen Mary University of London30. Royal Holloway, University of London31. The University of Reading32. The University of Southampton33. The University of St Andrews34. Courtauld Institute of Art35. The University of Strathclyde36. The University of Wales37. The University of Warwick38. The University of York39. The University of Liverpool40. The University of Sussex41. The University of Aberdeen42. The University of Ulster43. Queen's University Belfast44. Birkbeck College, University of London45. SOAS, University of London46. The University of Oxford47. The University of East Anglia”
1.Bishop Grosseteste University2. Bournemouth University3. Edge Hill University4. Glasgow Caledonian University5. Glasgow School of Art6. Liverpool Hope University7. Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts8. Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh9. St Mary's University College, Belfast10. Roehampton University11. Sheffield Hallam University12. The University of Brighton13. The University of Kent14. Bath Spa University15. Royal College of Art16. University of Huddersfield17. University of Winchester18. University of East London19. Leeds Trinity University20. UAL London College of Arts21. De Montfort University22. University of Greenwich
1. Scottish Association of Marine Science2. Institute for Development Studies3. Keele University4. King's College London5. Imperial College London
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