【中英文】女性更易对生活满意,但...freeto(2020/3/6 13:05:20) 点击:
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222.* * * New study charting Britain's well-being revealed women are happier than men.
As well as being happier, the study shows that women are also more satisfied.
However, despite the positive figures women are more likely to admit anxiety.
The Office for National Statistics has been taking happiness measurements for six years following former prime minister David Cameron's push for statistics that would describe the state of the nation in emotional rather than numerical terms.
Over that time, the figures show, all of us are generally happier. In the five years between the late summer of 2012 and September last year, the general level of happiness went up by more than 3 per cent, they indicated.
ONS statisticians linked the general rise in happiness last year to economic improvements, but gave no reason why women should have been cheering up more than men.
Nor could they explain why the improvements in well-being were detected in England while there was no noticeable change in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
The well-being ratings are produced from questions asked of more than 300,000 people in the ONS Annual Population Survey.
The four well-being questions ask whether people felt happy, if their lives were worthwhile, whether they were satisfied with their lives, and how anxious they felt on the day before they took part in the survey.
The ONS report said: ‘Over time, women have consistently reported higher levels of life satisfaction and worthwhile every year, but have also reported higher levels of anxiety since we first began collecting data in 2011.’