英国东英格利亚大学大学推出生物专业和生物医学专业国际大一tinyhut(2020/3/9 10:49:56) 点击:
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125.* * * UEA大学推出生物专业国际大一 和生物医学专业国际大一, 欢迎大家咨询和申请。
We are pleased to announce the launch of the International Year One in Biology and International Year One in Biomedicine.
Students will be able to join the programme from September 2020 with the course start date falling on : Monday 21st September 2020
Students will be able to progress onto a range of fantastic degrees at the university:
From International Year One in Biology:
BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences: Spanning the entire scale of biological systems – from molecules to ecosystems – you’ll study life itself, discovering the why, how and what of living organisms, from how we came to be to how we’ve evolved. You’ll explore the subject as a whole before choosing your specialism.
MSci (Hons) Biological Sciences: This four-year integrated Master’s programme spans the entire scale of biological systems, from molecules to ecosystems, with an independent research project in its final year to help you persue a career in research. You’ll explore the subject as a whole before choosing your specialism.
BSc (Hons) Molecular Biology and Genetics: This programme will give you a fundamental grounding in the study of biology while enabling you to decide which area of molecular biology or genetics best fits with your interests, such as microbial or plant molecular biology, medical genetics, biotechnology or agriculture.
From International Year One in Biomedicine:
BSc (Hons) Biomedicine: Apply cellular and molecular techniques to the understanding and treatment of human diseases. You’ll explore human physiology, antibiotic resistance, pathogens and genetics, and you’ll discover topics including ophthalmology, metabolic disorders and gastroenterology.