英国杜伦大学5/10/20周语言课程全部改为线上授课palm21(2020/3/31 11:46:36) 点击:
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116.* * * 杜伦大学5/10/20周语言课程全部改为线上授课,有关于杜伦语言课程的更多信息请查看链接:https://www.dur.ac.uk/dcad/study/presessional/
Our Pre-sessional programmes are open to students who hold an offer for a Durham University degree programme. Programmes are suitable for both those who have narrowly missed their language condition and those with unconditional offers.
This year, all pre-sessional courses will be offered online only, due to the ongoing restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic.
This will be our first year as an online pre-sessional and our main goal is to ensure you receive an excellent pre-sessional experience that prepares you for your Durham programme. We are working closely with Durham University’s learning technologists, who have considerable expertise in this area, to adapt our programme to the online environment and to ensure we offer high-quality provision.