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【论坛首页】→ 【大学申请】→ 主题:【英文】伦敦国王学院申请材料、申请截止时间、语言要求、学前语言课常见问题更新

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freeto(2020/4/9 11:05:31)  点击:106209  回复:0  IP:125.* * *
We have listed below some FAQs for your information.

• Application documents: Due to the current COVID-19 situation, we understand that students may not be able to provide all the documents that we usually require to assess the application, such as official transcripts or references, at this time. If students cannot provide the requested information within the timeframe, we aim to be as flexible as possible so if you need more time, please let us know by contacting us on King's Apply and we will advise you further. Please note: If students are still studying, we will accept scans and screenshots of unofficial interim transcripts/record of current results for us to continue processing the application. In the event the student receive an offer to study with us, upon completion of the current study, we will require official evidence of the student successfully meeting the requirement and achieving the qualification. 受疫情影响的申请者可先使用非正式成绩单申请

• Application deadline: 31 March is the soft deadline; most programmes are still open for application at the moment and please double check in the King’s Apply portal before applying.  目前大部分课程仍在开放申请

• English language requirement: King’s will not adopt Duolingo or to lower the requirement. For courses where applicants are not required to take a SELT, we will be accepting the TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition which has been released in a number of countries (not available in Mainland China as to 2 April) as a temporary measure whilst test centres remain closed. This test will therefore be accepted for our postgraduate research, postgraduate taught and undergraduate degree courses whilst the test centres are closed. 不接受Duolingo测试或降低语言要求,TOFEL iBT Home Edition可被接受(本科/研究生)但截止4月2日中国大陆无法使用

• Deferral: Please refer to the offer letter terms for further information. Students can usually defer due to the current situation and you can raise the request to Admissions if students have met the academic requirement (and of course paid the deposit); China Office is unable to confirm on behalf of Admissions. 延期条款请参考录取通知,需满足学术条件

• Deposit payment: Currently there is no change on the deadline. If students make a payment outside of King's Apply, they cannot accept the offer themselves so we highly recommend they pay the deposit within the portal. If they experience technical difficulties when paying, please contact the Admissions Office who can advise further. Full details of the deposit terms and conditions, including how and when students can request a refund of a deposit payment, are available in the offer letter. 定金支付请在King’s Apply系统中完成

• International Foundation Programmes: all pathways (extended and standard) are still open for application; we can only accept UKVI IELTS to meet the language requirement. 预科所有课程(标准班和延长班)仍在开放申请,只能使用UKVI IELTS满足语言条件。

• Pre-sessional:
• 16-week PSE & 11-week PSE will ONLY be taught in the combined  (online + f2f) format this year and the f2f phase will start from 28 July. 16和11周语言课今年只会采用线上+线下联合授课方式, 到校上课日期为7月28日 (如因疫情有错调整会在6月30日前和学生确认)
• UKVI IELTS requested in most cases 通常情况都需要UKVI IELTS申请
• 11-week (combined) and 6-week (both formats) may be eligible for integrated visa but subject to the time to meet academic requirement – it is 15 June for 11-week & 1 July for 6-week 11周& 6周语言课有可能发放覆盖语言课+学位课程的联合签证。前提是需要在指定日期前满足学术要求:11周语言课为6月15日;6周语言课为7月1日
• Students eligible for integrated visa can use non-UKVI English tests for PSE application (they have to meet the academic requirement in the first place) 如果学生满足申请联合签证的条件,则可使用非UKVI雅思等其他英语考试进行语言课申请(前提是已满足学术要求)。可以接受的语言考试及相应分数请参见网页:https://www.kcl.ac.uk/study/foundations/pre-sessional/entry-requirements

In light of COVID-19, Admissions are experiencing a high volume of messages and thank you very much for your patience while waiting for response. Please also advise counsellors/students not to refer to the unreliable sources of information online. All official announcement will be published here:
• General information: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/coronavirus/questions-prospective
• Pre-sessional: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/study/foundations/pre-sessional/covid-19-faq

Many thanks in advance in sharing the information and let us know if there are any questions.
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我们提供15个国家/地区的留学服务。您可以通过我们免费申请海外的10所大学,但是每个国家最多只能申请8所。免费申请的国家包括:英国 / 澳大利亚 / 新西兰 / 加拿大)。收费申请的国家包括:美国 / 香港 / 澳门 / 新加坡 / 爱尔兰 / 德国 / 荷兰 / 丹麦 / 瑞典 / 西班牙 / 马耳他 。海外大学查找

我们提供英国 / 美国 / 澳大利亚 / 新西兰 / 加拿大 / 爱尔兰的幼儿园,小学,初中,高中的私立学校(也称私校或独立学校)申请。海外私校查找



我们提供英国语言学校以及夏令营的申请服务。 语言学校查找 夏令营查找