英国萨里大学语言班最新调整tinyhut(2020/4/13 10:54:10) 点击:
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113.* * * 萨里大学所有语言课程都已转为线上教学。关于语言班的最新调整和更新如下:
• 语言课开课时间比原有提前一周(新的开课时间如下)
The course dates for the Pre-Sessional 11, Pre-Sessional 8 and Pre-Sessional 5 courses have changed to be one week earlier. These courses will now start on 22 June, 6 July and 27 July respectively.
• 语言班的申请截止日期调整为开课前两个星期
New applications will be accepted up to two weeks before the start date of the course.
• 语言班的入学要求保持不变,但目前学校可以接受非UKVI雅思和其他类型的英语考试(如托福)申请我们的语言班,更多可以接受的英语考试类型请见:https://www.surrey.ac.uk/international/pre-sessional-english-language-courses;
The English language requirements for the courses remain the same, but we are now able to accept non-UKVI IELTS as well as other non-IELTS qualifications, such as TOEFL.
• 顺利完成语言班课程将被视为满足大学学位课程的语言条件,并同时适用于2020/2021学年9/10月入学和2021/2022学年9/10月入学(请注意,雅思成绩于开课日期前两年内有效);
Successful completion of the pre-sessional English programme will be considered as meeting the University’s English language entry requirements for September / October 2020 or September / October 2021
• 在线上语言课期间,学生可以在线使用大学图书馆和学习资源中心(Learning Resource Centre)的所有资源;
Students will have online access to the University Library and Learning Resource Centre during the course.