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【论坛首页】→ 【学习交流】→ 主题:【中英文】英国七大社会阶层:你是“入不敷出族”还是“高薪族”?

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tinyhut(2022/7/15 15:13:57)  点击:79454  回复:0  IP:194.* * *

The 1980s had the 'yuppies' and the 'nouveau riche', the 1990s had the 'Mondeo man' and the 2000s had the 'chav'.

译者注: “蒙迪欧先生”(Mondeo man)泛指上世纪90年代英国中产阶级,有自己的房产、有自己经营的事业,还有一辆福特蒙迪欧。


Each decade has its cultural stereotypes and according to new research, there are now seven modern day wealth tribes in Britain.

Channel 5 has commissioned The Economist to conduct research into Britain’s wealth divide and they created categories of people that describe 21st-century Britain - so which one do you fall into?

The seven categories show that while some people are doing very well for themselves, others have not seen much pay growth in recent years.

Silver Spenders:

People over the age of 65 who are thriving. Researchers estimate that there are 1.5m silver spenders, with an average household disposable income of £45,000, well above the overall British average of £34,000.

This category encapsulates how old people in Britain have in recent years done much better than young ones. One of the biggest trends in recent years is that pensioners’ incomes have grown much faster than people of working age.

The result is that pensioners have generally seen their living standards rise much faster than working-age households.

The Zero Heroes:

Those stuck on zero-hours contracts, making them feel insecure at work. Researchers estimate that there are nearly 1m zero heroes, with an average hourly salary of £8.50, well below the British average of £12.

In the minds of many Britons, the plight of zero-hour contractors is encapsulated by the idea that someone who has worked hard at school still cannot find a secure job.

Zero heroes might work in industries like the creative arts; it is common for advertising firms, for instance, to offer zero-hours contracts. They are also common in the hospitality sector in particular, which needs to respond rapidly to fluctuations in demand.

The zero heroes do not earn very much. Based on estimates from the Office for National Statistics, it is estimated that the average zero-hours worker earns roughly 30 percent less than the average employee.

The Static Civvies:

Public-sector workers who have experienced a six-year-long pay squeeze. Britain probably has 1m static civvies, and though they earn more than the national average they are feeling the pinch: they haven't had a big pay rise in quite a while.

Particularly in more rural parts of the country, the richest people in the local area are often those who work for the public sector. In parts of the Scottish Highlands, for instance, almost the only people on six-figure salaries are public-sector workers. They are pillars of the community, spending plenty of money locally. But in recent months, these people have not fared particularly well.

The Hawdies (Heads-Above-Water):

Families who have not seen a pay rise in a while and have little or no savings. There are probably around 2.5m heads-above-water families, comprising 4m people. Their average income is around £27,000 per year.

This category describes families who are just-about-managing and struggling to get by. They are not Britain’s very poorest people; instead, they get most of their income from working in a job (not from means-tested benefits).

However, they hardly feel secure. If some unexpected charge came up - say, if their boiler stopped working or the car broke down - they might struggle to pay for it.

The Stucks (Struggling Urban Creatives):

Educated folk, working in the London-based creative industries, who are getting by but who will never afford a house. Researchers estimate that there are 350,000 of these people. They have a low average salary but they do interesting work.

They are well educated, and they are in jobs which are fairly prestigious - they work for publishers, or in the media, or in public relations. But they do not feel particularly prosperous. Most importantly for them, they struggle to get on the housing ladder.

The Tech Set:

These are the people working in Britain's thriving tech sector. Their jobs barely existed a decade ago; these are the vloggers, the programmers and the technicians behind companies such as Snapchat and Facebook. Experts estimate that their average salary is £44,000 per year, well above the British average of £23,000.

The Charlies (Corporate, High earning Asset Rich and Luxury living):

Highly educated people, largely living in and around London, who work in finance or allied trades and are raking it in.

There are around 500,000 top dogs and their average salary is high. They also have high savings.

They work in a high-pressured environment, whereas nonetheless they have considerable autonomy and are allowed to be creative.
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