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palm21(2023/4/6 15:50:28)  点击:49643  回复:0  IP:113.* * *
There are many labels pinned on us at work, but one of the best is to be called “knowledgeable.”


If you sound knowledgeable, you'll be taken seriously at meetings and elsewhere.


But what exactly does it take to sound knowledgeable? Surprisingly, it's not what many people think.


Those who try to sound like experts often believe they must spew out all they know. So they pack too much information into their comments, or provide dense, fact-rich slides in their PowerPoint presentations.


They are the very people whose views are ignored.


Knowledge is very different from information: Knowledge is insight, not just an accumulation of facts. You can show your mastery in this area in the following ways.


#1. Boil It Down to One Message

#1 归纳为一个观点

A good way to turn off your listeners is with an information dump. If you want to sound knowledgeable, formulate a single ideas from the material you've gathered, and deliver it clearly.


Those who know the most are often the worst teachers. Their level of understanding is far removed from their listeners, and they can't be bothered to explain how they reached their conclusions.


He points to Albert Einstein who had trouble attracting students and had difficulty explaining concepts with any simplicity.


No matter how much you know on a topic, the secret to audience engagement is to boil it down to a single, compelling idea.


Say, “Here's what I believe . . . ” Or “My point is this . . . ” Be sure to state this idea in one short, sharply focused sentence that will center your audience on a single meaningful thought.


#2. Provide a Clear Structure

#2 使用一个清晰的结构

Once you state your idea, make the depth of your knowledge clear by offering proof points that support your one idea.


These points can be organized in a variety of ways, including Reasons, Ways, Steps in a Process, or a Challenge/Response.


Give your listeners clear signposts as you proceed through your structure. Use tags like “the first reason,” the second reason,” or “The challenge we faced . . .” and “Our response was a collaborative one.”

在你使用整个结构时,记得为听众提供清楚的提示。建议采用 “第一个原因”、“第二个原因”或“我们面临的挑战是……”和“我们的应对方式是采取合作。”之类的常用语。

By highlighting your structure, you'll sound knowledgeable because people will understand what you're saying. Without that structure you'll leave your audience in a dense fog of content.


#3. Simplify Your Language

#3 用简单的语言表达

Ironically, the simpler your words and sentences, the more profound you'll sound. Suppose a colleague reporting on a project says: “The satisfaction of all parameters implicates the completion of the project mandate by Q4.”


Hearing that, you have every right to be puzzled. A truly knowledgeable colleague would simply say: “We expect to complete this project by year end.”


True wisdom lies in clarity, so choose simple words and short sentences. As Winston Churchill said, “Short words are best, and the old words when short are best of all.”


#4. Choose Your Moments

#4 选择合适的时机开口

Finally, pick the right moments to speak up and share your views.


Someone who is always speaking up to show how smart he (or she) is will sound pompous rather than knowledgeable.


Picking your spots means showing respect for the wisdom others bring. Then you can enter the conversation and build upon what others have said. That's a good example of leadership–and knowledge in action.


Today, with so much data available to all of us, there's a premium on being truly knowledgeable. To earn that mark of distinction, check your facts, distill your information into a key message, provide a clear structure and easily accessible language–and deliver your insights at the appropriate moment.


Those skills will make you come across as knowledgeable every time you speak.

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