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Love vs. Career: Andie's Dilemma in the City of Dreams
tszrhj12(2023/7/17 14:27:01)  点击:57599  回复:0  IP:189.* * *
Alright, imagine this: We’ve got Andie Anderson, a writer for a women’s magazine called Composure. She’s an expert on “How to” articles, but she’s feeling pretty bored with her job. She wants to write about more serious stuff, you know? Meanwhile, her friend Michelle keeps going through break-ups, and she’s feeling down, thinking she’s not attractive enough. But Andie thinks it’s actually because Michelle acts too needy and emotional around men. So, Andie gets this idea to write an article called “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” where she’ll date a guy and behave just like Michelle to prove her point.

Now, we’ve also got Benjamin Barry, an advertising executive who usually works on beer and sports campaigns. But he wants to lead a big campaign for a diamond company. His boss, Phillip, isn’t sure if Ben understands the romance associated with diamonds. So, Ben makes a bet that he can make any woman fall in love with him. If he can do it before a company event in 10 days, he’ll get to lead the diamond campaign. Now, here’s the twist: Ben’s rivals, Judy Spears and Judy Green, know about Andie’s article and they choose her as the woman that Ben has to make fall in love with him.


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So, Andie and Ben meet each other, but they both have their own secret agendas. Andie tries everything she can to make Ben fall for her and then break up with her, all for her article. But Ben is determined to make her fall in love with him for real. Andie plays all sorts of tricks on him, like making him miss an important shot in a basketball game, getting him knocked out at a movie theater, and even moving her stuff into his apartment. She even takes him to a Celine Dion concert when he thought they were going to a Knicks game! But in between all these pranks, Andie’s true personality starts to shine through, and Ben starts to develop real feelings for her.

Andie gets frustrated with the whole project and causes a scene at Ben’s poker night with his friends, hoping it will push him to break up with her. But his friends, Tony and Thayer, convince him to try couples counseling instead. Andie brings in her friend Michelle, pretending she’s a therapist, and Michelle suggests that Ben is ashamed of Andie. In response, Ben invites Andie to meet his family in Staten Island. During the visit, they actually start to connect on a deeper level.




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