[分享] 11月5日(本周三)Guy Fawkes Night/Bonfire NightKun(2008/11/4 23:06:12) 点击:
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137.* * * 本周三晚7点半爱丁堡Meadowbank Stadium将举行焰火表演。需要购票入场。
或者可以选择去Calton Hill或Arthur's Seat远观,请记得穿保暖的衣服哦。
Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night, 5th November every year.
Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night
This is an English festival that takes place on the 5th November. It commemorates what is known as the Gunpowder plot. A group of Catholic conspirators aimed to blow up the Houses of Parliament in Westminster London while the King was present hoping to foment a Catholic revolution. However, they were foiled in their scheme when a guard discovered Guy Fawkes in the basement of Parliament surrounded by barrels of gunpowder. After much torture he revealed all and the conspirators were rounded up and executed in the grizzly fashion of the day reserved for traitors: Hung, Drawn and Quartered. Today this festival is very popular with children. They build their own Guy – a dummy of stuffed clothes that resembles a person – and put it on top of a bonfire. Finally, as the bonfire rages fireworks are released symbolizing the explosions that never took place all those years ago.
盖伊•福克斯之夜 (或篝火节之夜)
这是英国的传统节日,时间为每年的11月5日。它纪念“火药的阴谋”这个历史事件。一小撮天主教反叛分子密谋炸毁位于伦敦威斯敏斯特的英国国会大厦,当时国王正在开会,讨论天主教改革的事宜。但是,密谋泄露了,一个卫兵发现了当时正在国会大厦地窑内,被成桶成桶的炸药包围着的盖伊•福克斯。他们的阴谋被挫败了。在严刑拷打下,盖伊•福克斯招供了一切。于是,阴谋反叛的人被团团包围起来,根据当时的律法以叛国贼论处,被判处绞刑并剖尸裂肢。今天,孩子们都非常喜欢这个节日。他们自己制作“盖伊”-一个用旧衣服填充做成的假人,再把它放到篝火上焚烧。最后,当绚丽的焰火燃放起来时,代表多年前的那场爆炸根本没有发生过。 今每到11月5日,英国各地的人们都焚烧福克斯的肖像,燃放焰火庆祝,浓烈的焰火甚至染红了天空。 现在,很少再有人把这一活动看作是反天主教的行动,人们只是欢庆,11月5日的焰火成了英国的一项民俗。
Guy Fawkes Night (traditionally known as Bonfire, or Fireworks, Night) is an annual celebration (but not a public holiday) on the evening of the 5th of November primarily in the United Kingdom, but also in former British colonies New Zealand, the island of Newfoundland (Canada), Vancouver Island, Canada, parts of the British Caribbean including the Bahamas, and to some extent by their nationals abroad. Bonfire Night was common in Australia until the 1980s, but it was held on the Queen's Birthday long weekend in June.
It celebrates the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot in which a group of Catholic conspirators, led by one Robert Catesby, and including Guy Fawkes, attempted to blow up the Palace of Westminster on the evening of 5 November 1605, when the Protestant James I of England (James VI of Scotland), his eldest sons, and the majority of the English Parliament were within its walls. The conspirators were later tortured and executed.
The celebrations, which in the United Kingdom take place in towns and villages across the country, involve fireworks displays and the building of bonfires, on which "guys", or dummies, representing Guy Fawkes, the most infamous of the conspirators, are traditionally burnt. Before the fifth, children traditionally use the "guys" to beg for money with the chant "Penny for the guy". In recent years the night is becoming increasingly known as "Guy Fawkes Night".
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_Fawkes_Night
A penny for the Guy, a penny for the Guy,
Please to remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why Gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.
A penny for the Guy, a penny for the Guy...
从1605到2008,流逝了的时间抹去了稻草人的踪影,孩子们也不再一边哼唱童谣,一边积攒零钱买烟花。经年累月,似乎任何历史文化事件流传到后世,便只余下或是最华丽或是最务实的活动——比如端午节的龙舟与粽子已与屈原渐行渐远,除夕夜的爆竹和怪兽夕亦基本了无关联,而Guy Fawkes Day (Bonfire Night)则变成了英国民众每年期盼的盛大烟花表演日。